Captain Jack's Trail, Colorado Springs, CO (including videos)
Captain Jack's Trail is a very popular multi-use trail in the Pike National Forest.
This trail offers some excellent views along the way and is a multi-use trail which allows hikers, bikers, equestrians and off-highway vehicles (OHV). Because of the varied users on this trail please use caution when using this trail and always follow the trail courtesy protocols.
This trail is included on POCKET PALS Trail Map #3 of the Pikes Peak Region series. The other trails included on Trail Map #3 are: Bear Creek Canyon, Bruin, Chamberlain, Columbine, Daniel's Pass, Mt. Buckhorn, Mt. Cutler, Mt. Muscoco, Ring the Peak - RTP (Segment 9-10B/C), Seven Bridges (622), Silver Cascade Falls, Spring Creek, Stratton Open Space (14 Trails), St. Mary's Falls, Strawberry Fields (6 Trails), Sweetwater Canyon, and Trail 624.
Small Pocket Maps, Big Outdoor Adventures - Pocket Pals Trail Maps